Triathletes, runners, cyclists, and ultra endurance athletes…
If you want to gain the most from your ability, you have to understand there is a difference between ‘a’ way, and the ‘best’ way.

If you want the best way to:

  • Gain strength

  • Recover from workouts

  • Avoid injuries

  • Be healthy

Or understand how to:

  • Utilize nutrition

  • Improve aerobic and anaerobic capacity

  • Periodize your training

  • Peak for important races 

Then Strength to Endure is for you!

Strength To Endure has been written to provide the endurance athlete a clear and precise path to optimal performance.  It is my assertion that optimal performance relies on the design, accuracy, and application of the best available training principles and methods for endurance. Whether your goal is to finish your first race, set a new PR, or be first across the finish line, I’ve got the answers for you. 

Grab your copy today and begin to lay the groundwork for a stronger, faster, more resilient you!

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by Reece Haettich

Establishing a High-Performance Foundation

Twenty-five years, a quarter of a century, that’s how long I’ve been gathering, studying, and applying the principals and methods of athletic performance. I have a personal library of over eighty resources addressing nearly every aspect of exercise physiology. Methods to optimize endurance, strength training protocols, energy system development, nutritional fueling, recovery and regeneration techniques, injury prevention, periodization, etc. I’ve listened to the lectures, read the studies, conversed with the experts, applied the principles, and observed the results. 

I’ve been in the game so long, that I’ve now started to forget more information than I can recall. This turns out to be a good thing since I find myself continually reviewing the literature as a refresher, while at the same time keeping my eyes open for any “new” discoveries that are reported. 

The length of time I have spent acquiring and applying knowledge or the number of resources I’ve collected is not meant to suggest I have all the answers. Matter of fact it was college basketball coaching legend John Wooden who once said; “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” So I continue to have a proper perspective. 

What I do know however is this, the foundational principals of endurance performance DO-NOT-CHANGE! 

Strength to Endure is that foundation!  Triathletes, cyclists, and runners from amateur to elite, this is your blueprint for optimized endurance performance. This blueprint has four foundational pillars; each pillar addresses the principals and methods that will build your performance house.  

The Four Pillars are:

  1. The Endurance Training Methods 

  2. Performance Nutrition 

  3. Recovery and Regeneration

  4. Strength Training 

This is the resource I wish I had twenty five years ago. You simply will not find a more comprehensive guide when it comes to optimizing your ability!

  • Wow! This is exactly what I was looking for!

    Sandra D.

  • Strength, nutrition, recovery, and the protocols of endurance all in one resource! Genius.

    Scott P.

  • I’ve been training for years and just couldn’t get to that next level. Strength to Endure showed me what I was missing.

    Grant F.

  • I’m leaner, healthier, and stronger. Reece knows what he’s talking about!

    Ken M.

  • Without Reece’s help I would have never become an Ironman. Thanks Coach!

    Traci G.

  • Seemed like I was constantly dealing with injuries. Reece knew exactly what to do to get me healthy and strong and I’ve been injury free for years now. Performance is soaring!

    Jan F.

  • There’s so much information on the internet, and most of it is completely confusing to me. The foundational principals Reece lays out in his book really makes sense, I can’t wait to start my new regime!

    Bill B.

Reece Haettich, strength and endurance exercise specialist


Strength and Endurance Exercise Specialist

Never really got into bios that much, are they important?  To some people, sure.  Will printing a few lines about my education, years in the trenches, and my race palmārēs help set me apart from everyone else?  Will I gain your trust and cement my validity with a university degree, certifications, years of training, and a competitive record of winning races?  I have done these things.  BUT…..

I’ve always felt it’s less about what I’ve done, and more about what I can help you do!  So how about I do this… if after buying this book, reading, and applying the information it contains, you don’t benefit from it, let me know and I’ll refund your money, guaranteed!